Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

2009- xmas in the damn dirty.

You heard right, I am in the dirty of dirtiest southern states. South Carolina. (I'm not even sure that it's fair to characterize it as the dirtiest, but whatever, it's my goddamn blog!)

I love how this is like my 4th post in almost 3 years. I suck as a blogger. If this was my livelihood, i'd be a hobo on the street.

So---i'm in my house, sitting on my couch, bored out of my mind, and oh it's Christmas Eve.
This would be pretty cool if parents celebrated Christmas. But in reality, we don't.
For some Background, my parents officially stopped celebrating Christmas when I was seven years old. My dad, who i like to characterize as Fuslim (fake ass Muslim), thought of the idea of christmas and giftgiving to be a sham. From then on, we celebrated Kwanzaa. We started the first year we moved into a house, so we had pretty awesome Kwanzaa celebrations where everyone we knew would come over. They were getting so elaborate that we ended up having a heated tent in our backyard some years to accommodate the masses.

However, that was long ago. It went from getting small Kwanzaa gifts, to money, to nothing at all. I really feel bad for my little brother who was just born when my parents decided to stop celebrating. He really missed out on the magic of Christmas and it's so exciting as a young child. I think everyone should experience Christmas as a young kid, no matter what religion you follow.

All of this would probably explain some of my religious indifference because I never really grew up with a specific influence. My mom's mother was Baptist, dad's mother Catholic, great-grandmother was Jehova's Witness, and my dad and mom (sorta) followed Islam. ME? Skeptical of them all.

Back on topic, It's Christmas. and my spirit is far from here. I'm not sure where I left it, but I would love to find it at some point.

ok, another tangent. I should probably give an update about me:
I'm 5/6 done with law school :)
i don't have a job :(
i'm going to take the nj/ny bar :)
no official place to live :(
planning to most awesome post bar trip (Greece) :)
my Grandma died this past november :(
my mom was diagnosed with cancer :(
moved into a cool part of chicago with a cool roomie :)
my heart was broken this year :(
lost a really good friendship :(

looking at my update list, a lot of shitty things have been going on this year. maybe this is the part of the reason for my December funk. 2010 will be good, I promise it to be...

i'll come back at some point and make my outline on how this will be accomplished.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I totally forgot this existed.

ummm, I don't know what to say!

I started this damn near 2 years ago. I'm not sure if i want to continue. My readers will be upset, I'm sure (all 0 of them). Well, my first instinct is to delete it, but I wont. I need a place to vent about my bullshit in life.

Ah the summer before law school...I was so optimistic, and excited to be going to a new city! It's all so innocent, and kinda cute.

Now, I'm miserable in the middle of a shitty Chicago winter and craving to get away for a few weeks.

anways, i'll keep this going, but with lawschool and my numerous other social sites, my updates will be sparse, at best


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Summer's almost over.

Summer has come and disappeared.

What the hell?...

I remember summers being this sublime period of time where nothing mattered and the biggest issue is whether you would ever talk to your summer camp friends again, or your parents nagging you about whether you finished your summer reading.

Now? A entirely different ballgame.
Being that I just graduated from college, this is officially my last summer of freedom. From work, that is. Even though I am going to be in law school for three years, those summers will be filled of jobs, bar exam, etc. and the 'free summer' will be abandoned.

This summer has been fun though. Day after graduation, I went to Puerto Rico. A week after that I spent time in Milwaukee and Chicago visiting an old friend. Then went the New Hampshire to see another old friend. And a few days after that trip, I went to Rome and Barcelona. See, nothing to complain about...

Now, I am teaching 14yr old boys how to be successful in high school. Ahhhhh!
its crazy, I've never been a 14yr old boy but I didn't know how obsessed they were with girls and sports... If there were ever a time when the topic of discussion did not venture back on that subject, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. They are a handful, but of course, they are growing on me. Now, if only I can get their reading to improve in the next few weeks I will really feel like an accomplished teacher. :)

In the meantime, I've been purchasing things for the big move. Just bought a down comforter and I cannot wait to have that on my bed. All I need is a duvet and ta-da new bedding yo!

Oh, and I got a haircut. Just below the shoulder which is a huge change for me because it's usually below the bra strap...My ponytail is incredibly short!

Alright, I'm just rambling now....

Friday, July 13, 2007


Hi all,

This is my first official blog as a blogger! *slow claps*
To elaborate, I have been in the blogging business before but a different network and now, I have the 'itch' to start writing again.

Now let me introduce myself...
My name is Battchile. I am 20 something, New Jersey native about to make a transition to the big bad city of Chicago. I just finished undergrad and now moving on to Law School *cue the doom music*. I figure a new school and city would be a perfect time to start writing again.

By all means this will not be a Law school blog...though there will be much law school bitching a moaning throughout. I just really want to chronicle my transition to the 'real world,' or whatever the hell that means.

Anyways, I really hope to keep this up. I love being able to do this and it should be cathartic
